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Features and benefits

  • Useful to control Calcium deficiency symptoms
  • Increases the resistance of the plants
  • Get a longer shelf life

How does the product work?

Plants require high amounts of Calcium for a healthy period of development. Bion-SuperCal36 is an exceptional source of Calcium that is produced from high quality raw materials to meet plant Calcium needs. Thanks to its very high Calcium content, Bion-SuperCal36 is absorbed by the plant quickly after entering the structure of the cell wall, giving the plant strength and resistance. Strengthens growth points in plant shoot and root system and prevents the cell walls from being fragile during their active stretching and expansion. Bion-SuperCal36 is recommended to help the plant overcome the stress conditions like cold and hot climates. Field trials has shown that COLLOIDAL CALCIUM help increasing fruit structure and durability and storage life when applied before harvest.

Application of the product

  • Drip /Soil application: 10 – 20 liter /Ha
  • Foliar application: 100 – 200 milliliter /100 liter water

Available in


Available in
1 L

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