Features and benefits
- Recommended for stress conditions
- Promotes flowering and fruit setting
- Increases yield quantity and quality
- Safe on useful insects
How does the product work?
Passes through the plant quickly thanks to its special formulation technology. Promotes plant growth and resistance by increasing the thickness and stability of the cell walls.
Contains natural Biostimulants with high amount of free amino acids and organic matter in different forms including Humic & Fulvic acids and seaweeds. Recommended for fruits and field crops in early stages. Increases root formation, promotes flowering and fruit setting.
Application of the product
All crops can be used throughout the growth period. Use once every 10 – 15 days, 3 times in a row.
Application Rate:
- Soil and Drip application: 5,25 – 10,5 liter/ Ha
- Foliar application: 100 – 200 milliliter / 100 liter water
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