Features and benefits
- Fertilizer NPK complex, microgranular, containing slow release nitrogen and Biostimulant inside
- It is a starter fertilizer that facilitates a fast and deficiency-free crop establishment
- Provides your crop with the nutrients it needs for a longer period of time
- No losses due to leaching or evaporation
- Each micro granule contains the same amount of nutrients in a homogeneous way
- Guarantees uniformity in the distribution of the nutrients applied
- High sulfur content that favors the availability of phosphorus
- Facilitates a continue and uniform growth without deficiencies
How does the product work?
Product free of dust or dense that hinders its application.
Average granule size : 1 mm
Low % of chloride
Includes in its basic composition the Biostimulant Stymbion. An exclusive product of high quality and purity Amino Acids.
Application of the product
- 50 – 70 kilograms/ Ha
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