Features and benefits
- 2 in 1 formulation – combined wetting agent and water conservation agent
- Complete moisture management tool for sport fields, Fairways and recreation area’s
- Uniform wetting to enhance the management of water, moisture content and air within the rootzone
- Uniformly treats 100% of the rootzone and soil particles
- Improves the water holding capacity of all types of rootzones
How does the product work?
AQBION Fairway Contains different surfactant technologies, to ensure the product is a complete moisture management tool.
Uniform Spreading and Penetration
AQBION Fairway Wetting Agent blend of Co Block Polymer surfactants. This provides superior spreading and penetrating properties to ensure the turfgrass surface is dry. Any subsequent irrigation or rainfall naturally penetrates through the upper level into the rootzone.
Water repellency
The Co Block Polymer surfactant creates a thin interface of water which is attached to every water repellent soil particle site. Soils treated with AQBION Fairway Wetting Agent ensures there is no accumulation of hydrophobic lipids on the soil particles, this restores and maintains a low water repellency rootzone.
Water Conservation
The Co Block Polymer surfactant strongly binds to the sand and soil particles and remains attached through irrigation cycles and heavy rainfall periods. This ensures correct water management within the rootzone enabling a longer period of water conservation and stress reduction on the turfgrass which works simultaneously through irrigation cycles.
Stress Relief though Moisture Management
The Co Block Polymer surfactant ensures sufficient moisture management through any drought period. This ensures the plants roots remain deep and established through drought periods. This conserves water that is lost through surface evaporation while optimizing water.
Application of the product
AQBION Fairway Wetting Agent can be applied at any time of the year. For best results use in early spring through to autumn.
Application rate:
- 3 – 5 liters per Ha in 600 – 800 liters of water
watering in is optional but not required.
Frequency: monthly if required
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