Features and benefits
- Immediate turf response and enhanced longevity
- Excellent leaf penetration and leaf coverage
- Applicable as a winter hardener to acidify (lower the pH) and to help prevent disease on all types of turf
- Surfactant / Iron combination for dew dispersal and hardening to discourage fusarium patch disease
- Promotes excellent turf color, increases chlorophyll content
- Highly compatible with other turf management products
How does the product work?
Greenbion Liquid IRON+ contains easily available iron sources for immediate turf response and enhanced longevity. The iron is quickly absorbed by the plant to give an immediate green up response which can be seen within three hours.
Spreaders and Penetrants
Greenbion Liquid IRON+ contains spreading and penetrant wetting agents, to ensure complete coverage of the leaf. A larger surface area and increased penetration improves uptake of iron by the plant.
Trace Elements
Greenbion Liquid IRON+ contains a trace element package including magnesium and manganese. The micronutrients correct any micro deficiencies within the plant.
Acidifying agent
Greenbion Liquid IRON+ is part of an integrated approach to control fusarium (snow mould). They act by acidifying the stem base, reducing surface moisture and naturally hardening the plant to resist attack by fusarium.
Application of the product
- 20 – 40 liters per ha in 500 liters of water
Can be used year around providing the turf surface is dry and rainfall is not imminent.
Optimally apply every 4 – 6 weeks throughout the season.
No watering in required.
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